måndag 24 november 2008

Another successful gig…

The gig in Trollhättan on Friday eve went terrific. But seriously, who would have expected anything else… We feel that we are now tighter then ever live and we got the feeling that the audience really appreciated our show.
Backstage turned out to be an awesome hangout. It’s not often you get to play at a genuine rock bar so creeds to Fredda for letting us visit. Hopefully we will be back within a year so people of Trollhättan. Stay tuned!

Take a look at backstagerockbar.se for some live epic pictures.


torsdag 20 november 2008


If tomorrow never comes, Will she know how much I loved her, Did I try in every way to show her every day, That she's my only one, And if my time on earth were through, And she must face the world without me, Is the love I gave her in the past, Gonna be enough to last, If tomorrow never comes...
What A crappy song!!!

Any way... It's now about 24 h left until Egonaut will put on a great show in Trollhättan. We are all very excited about the gig and we promise to show the crowd what Bastard Rock is all about.



lördag 15 november 2008

Studio weekend!

We dedicated this weekend to some drummixing since Mighty Mack did a great job whipping his battery. So the next thing after our gig in Trollhättan next weekend is to find ourself a good bass sound and Kristoffer can start recording. We got a good flow going now.

See you next weekend @ Backstage Rockbar in Trollhättan.

lördag 18 oktober 2008

Day 1 of the recording!

...And the recording of our EP has started!

måndag 13 oktober 2008

Just a quick note!

Head over to http://www.egonaut.se/elfsborg/ and download our Elfsborg tune!

lördag 11 oktober 2008

Some more pictures

This blog is about to transform to a general Egonaut blog. Covering our gigs, recordingsessions and everything else! So keep an eye out.

måndag 29 september 2008

Almost done

It has been a long time. But we are done with all the building. It is just to clean up the place and decorate it now! Here are some pictures from the latest session there. We painted the last roof that we just built and also recorded some singing for our preproduction.

Pictures of how everything looks now is coming up in a couple of days!

torsdag 14 augusti 2008

Update 14/8

It´s messy but we closing in on beeing done!

tisdag 5 augusti 2008


The roof in the lounge is up!

söndag 27 juli 2008

Mixing room almost complete

The first glass is in and the carpet is in. We are missing the door and the other window glass.

fredag 25 juli 2008

Walls are painted...

It is time to start cleaning up the place now so we can get the carpeting in!

lördag 19 juli 2008

Some randoms from today...

Just some random pictures from today. All the walls are up now. Now to get the window in, get a new roof for the lounge, paint and get the carpeting done.

måndag 14 juli 2008

The walls of Egonaut!

It has been a long day there today! But now the studio wall is getting isolation and the lounge is starting to get new and fresh walls.

Tomorrow we are going to "mattlandet" to look at floors.

söndag 13 juli 2008

It keeps on going...

So what happened today?
We have started painting in the main room.

We now have (almost) four walls done in the mixing room!
Kristoffer filling some gaps with putty.Tomorrow we plan on making a grown man cry, we have a craftsman to come over to look on what we done and give us some advice on how to proceed!

lördag 12 juli 2008

Todays work...

Today we got a bit further on the studio wall. We got some plaster up on the studio wall. I left a bit early but Markus and Fredrik was still working when I left. So hopefully they finished off one side of it. Now we need to pick up some insulation before doing the other side. We are probably ordering the windows on monday. Now for some pictures:


It´s almost a wall now!

Another day!

One wall of tile down, some asbestos for our lunges and Dennis the putty man.!